Client’s objective
To immediately assemble a team of qualified professionals. DNB, Malaysia's first 5G operator, required a partner that could swiftly churn out talent and build their workforce.
Hexa's challenges in meeting these objectives
5G is relatively new in Malaysia, and no one has any prior experience with it unless they worked for a foreign operator or telco. Finding individuals with adequate skills and capabilities was a challenge for Hexa, given the lack of existing expertise with 5G. It was critical for Hexa's team to hire personnel with the necessary competencies to work on this
advanced technology without any past exposure to 5G.
Important considerations made by Hexa
For the client, time was of the essence. Hexa had to ensure all the hirings were completed within the time frame allotted. The team had to take into consideration the volume in terms of capabilities to channel, source, and bring the right type of talent in a large enough compass to fulfill the client’s requirements without any complications.
Hexa assembled an internal team comprised of experts who specialized in the telecommunications industry. The team leveraged the extensive network within the telecommunications vertical to reach out to as many people as possible and set up a rapid screening procedure for these candidates to speed up the hiring process.